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2288 Beechworth-Wodonga Road, Leneva

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An amazing opportunity presents for you to secure a well situated and highly improved farm located only a 10-minute drive (approx.) to thriving Albury-Wodonga on the mighty Murray River.

This well-drained, versatile property is suitable for prime lambs and cattle and has been meticulously cared for.

Excellent quality fencing, divided into ten main paddocks and several smaller yards, provides diversity to ensure correct rotation and resting for your pastures.

A comfortable three bedroom, one bathroom home, with valley views straight toward Lake Hume, is in excellent condition. It has enjoyed recent kitchen and bathroom renovations and is warmed by an efficient wood heater and cooled via split system air. The verandah on the north side is accompanied by an all-weather outdoor eating area on the south.

The large machinery shed, with powered workshop, is divided into five bays and is approx. 150 sq. m. in size. A single-stand shearing shed, with an underfloor holding pen, is accompanied by an enclosed storage or hay shed and yards with loading race.

For water security, there are five dams, a permanent well and troughs, plus two large concrete tanks for domestic use that are interconnected for greater water control.

This prime land holding represents an excellent opportunity to secure a very productive farm in a tightly held area for individuals seeking entry into the farming/grazing industry.


ID# 31042130065

Land Area 107 acre

Tony Stockdale

Tony Stockdale
0428 629 778

Harley Maclachlan

Harley Maclachlan
0407 403 823

The above information has been furnished to us by the vendor of each property. We have not verified whether or not that information is accurate and have no belief one way or another in its accuracy. We do not accept any responsibility to any person for its accuracy and do no more than pass it on. all interested parties should make and rely upon their own enquires in order to determine whether or not this information is in fact accurate.