Lot 1, 2, 3, 4 Avondale Drive, Wodonga
From $495,000
Saving the best till last, it is a pleasure to offer to market this limited release as the final stage of the magnificent Cambourne Park Estate.

These large lifestyle blocks have arguably the best views in Wodonga, with views of the twin cities of Albury/Wodonga along with the surrounding hills and distant Alpine region.

This is a limited release, so if you're not quick to secure this incredible opportunity, you will miss out! Surrounded by magnificent homes, you can design your dream home at whatever budget, confident that you are not over-capitalising. Ranging from a generous 1,322m2 to an amazing 1.2Ha (12,000m2) there is ample room for the grand home, pool, shed and maybe even a tennis court!

These elevated, battle-axed blocks will quickly become the home of Wodonga's most prestigious homes. Secure your home site and lock in the builder for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Lot 1 - $800,000 - 1.025Ha
Lot 2 - $800,000 - 1.2Ha
Lot 3 - $495,000 - 1322m2
Lot 4 - $495,000 - 1563m2
Lot 5 - $595,000 - 2694m2
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